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March 14 Slice of Life - 360° in my Kitchen

I just love reading other people's Slice of Life blogs. Today I am inspired by Amyilene. She used "4 items within 4 feet" as a format that obviously got her creative juices flowing.

I'm amending it a bit. I am going to write about what I see at the cardinal points in my kitchen. I will first write about what catches my eye due North, then turn 90° three times to circle the kitchen. Here goes.


I Spy With My Little EYE

Pomegranates are nature's candy. They can hang around for ages and never go bad. I learned how to cut them open and smack the seeds out with a spoon from my husband, who learned it from a PBS cooking show. Such tips can change your life in the kitchen. I know cherries are often paired with duck, but we use pomegranate juice and fresh seeds. Scrumptious!


A Shining Example of Vinegar at Work

My, my, look at her shine. Neighbors unexpectedly came by the other day to look at the paint colors around our house. I was mortified at the general state of things. It was progess report time and there was no progress on house chores, that's for sure



Vinegar and water, a soft cloth and elbow satisfying.


The Grand Old Lady of the Kitchen

I married into this ageless marvel of a machine!

Purchased in the 70s for big bucks back then, it still churns, swirls, and spins almost anything into GOLD.

For eight months she fed me celery juice to bring my liver enzymes back to normal and drop my weight down to a respectable mother-of-the-bride size [if I do say so myself].

She's not in use as much these days, but she still commands valuable real estate on the counter because a matriarch in a basement would never do!


My HIDE for watching wild animals

The best thing about my kitchen is my seat at the island. From my perch I watch the old oak tree. I watch squirrels climb in and out of its hollow, skirmish, and hide and rediscover acorns.

This oak has opened my eyes to the stark beauty of a tree's nakedness in winter.

I have thanked,




countless things from my special HIDE -- which is inside;

while hers is outside.

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