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March 27 Slice of Life

Rapunzel, Surrender Your Hair!

I got my hair cut today at 4:30 pm. With the day slipping by and knowing that dinner plans would keep me from blogging until 8 pm, for content I decided to interview my hair dresser—or as she prefers to be called, cosmotologist.

I invited her to list five things that she would like to tell the world about caring for hair, anything.

The first three items came to her mind right away.

  1. Control your hair. Don't let it control you.

  2. Accept the changes that are inevitable: hair color, texture, amount of hair.

  3. Having COVID and the vaccines are responsible for many cases of hair loss, and the loss appears to be temporary, not permanent.

  4. We don't just style and cut hair, we are good listeners and therapists. We are even taught that in cosmotology school.

  5. We are artists! Let us be the creators. When you micromanage a style or cut to get what you want, it will never be what you want.

We conversed more about control. It has been her experience that clients who are controlling are almost always unhappy with the final result, and that control is usually a theme running through their lives. Eight out of ten come back to her admitting that their interference ruined the cut. Sometimes when clients surrender to what she knows would have looked best in the first place, there is a ripple affect as they examine the role of control in other areas of their lives.

The moral of the tale Rapunzel is you can't control the cycle of life, as the sorceress attempts to do by locking her up in a tower and using her hair as a ladder. Linking hair with control is something I hadn't thought about. I'm a pretty good listener too. My cosmotologist mentioned that I might want to go shorter. No! But it time for yet another surrender?

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